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Allied Patents First Hybrid Forecourt Solution

Allied Electronics, Inc. announces the first patented hybrid forecourt solution for the retail petroleum industry.

Gas stations of all shapes and sizes require a forecourt controller to manage the variety of machine and computer languages utilized by the different equipment manufacturers. But new technologies are emerging including mobile apps and loyalty programs that require additional equipment and operating systems typically not resident on a forecourt controller "“ presenting a significant challenge for marketing and IT personnel tasked with luring consumers to the gas pump.

Allied Electronics, Inc. rises to the challenge with newly patented technology in the AEGIS Forecourt Controller (FCC).

This unique forecourt implementation is comprised of an open Microsoft Windows system and a closed AEGIS Real Time Operating System (RTOS). The open architecture of the AEGIS Forecourt Controller provides merchants and co-vendors a platform for their Windows applications without compromising the security, integrity or performance of the FCC itself.

The open sub-system of this hybrid FCC is distinct from any other forecourt controller or point-of-sale system in the retail fuel industry today because it brings modern application technology and Allied's proprietary RTOS together within the same PA-DSS validated controller.

AEGIS could include applications for point-of-sale, electronic payment server, loyalty programs, tank monitoring systems, electronic price sign management, security cameras, or even provide redundancy for other onsite applications.

This patent marks a major milestone for Allied Electronics, Inc. and will constitute a significant differentiator for us as we seek to continue to build our position as a leader in forecourt technology for the petroleum industry," said Ron Walker " Allied's president since 1993.

About Allied Electronics, Inc:

When it comes to automation, no other company has done more for the retail petroleum industry than Allied Electronics, Inc. Allied has provided the Major Oil, Jobber, Hypermarket, and Truckstop/Travel Plaza arenas with new (and now patented!) technology for service station automation for over 40 years.

Allied also offers the largest petroleum parts superstore with over 57,000 products available online, including the new Allied Wireless EMV solution.

Allied's core business is supplying best-in-class forecourt solutions with over 40,000 forecourt controllers installed around the world. Specifically, Allied Electronics, Inc. proudly manufactures and sells the NeXGen and AEGIS models of forecourt controllers.

Official Press Release -Allied Patents First Hybrid Forecourt Solution

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