Allied Electronics Blog
Think Tank 2019: Fueling Connectivity
Allied Electronics would like to thank all customers and partners for attending Think Tank 2019 and making this year’s conference a huge success.
Think Tank 2019 was held at the Loews Hotel in downtown Philadelphia, just walking distance from the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, and the Reading Terminal Market.

COO, Mike Vogt, opened the conference and delivered an Allied business update along with introducing both new and continued partners of Allied Electronics. “Fueling Connectivity” was the theme for Think Tank 2019. Bob Danford, Strategic Account Manager, provided an overview of new Allied Electronics products, services, and technological developments. These topics became the basis of valuable ideas shared by attendees in and out of the conference breakout sessions.
Guest Speaker, Dr. Jayatri Das, gave an insightful presentation of Know Your Brain, Know Your Business. During her discussion, Dr. Das introduced how current neuroscience research about the brain can help better understand customers, colleagues, and yourself. Breakout sessions were led by industry experts on the latest in fuel dispenser technology, POS software solutions, secure payment systems, and fuel management/monitoring services.

Attendees were taken to visit the Philadelphia Museum of Art for their chance to recreate the famous “Rocky Run” up the east entrance stairs. This was followed up with a night out at the historic Eastern State Penitentiary. After a tour of the first true “Penitentiary,” Think Tank attendees enjoyed a night of food, drinks, and games on the grounds of the Penitentiary’s Ball Field.

Think Tank 2019 participants shared time in Philadelphia networking with business leaders and discovering new ideas that will impact the industry in months and years to come.