Allied Electronics Blog

Hydrogen's Shifting Tides


A recent CSP article listed four reasons why the hydrogen market is poised for expansion in 2017. Allied Electronics is adding a fifth reason! Allied has recently completed development to the first hydrogen dispenser supporting the IFSF dispenser protocol.

Hydrogenix has been manufacturing hydrogen dispensers for more than a decade, but incorporating the IFSF standard with the NeXGen Forecourt Controller will allow the company to not only extend its reach beyond the alternative fuels market, but help consumers lessen their carbon footprints at the same time.

And because of Allied's presence in virtually every truck stop and travel plaza in North America, the exposure of hydrogen to this market can be significant. NeXGen can make the integration seamless.

Check out the CSP article "4 Reasons 2017 Will Be Big for Hydrogen" to learn more about what could be on the horizon for hydrogen.

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