Allied Electronics Blog

Self-Serve Coming to the Beaver State?

The last time you could pump your own gas in Oregon, it would"™ve cost you about $.19 cents per gallon, the average cost of a new car was $1500, and "I Love Lucy" made its television debut on CBS. That was 1951. And for the first time since "the good old days," you may be able to pump your own gas again in the Beaver State. Oregon and New Jersey remain the only two states in the country with "full-serve only" laws. Both states also have a strong presence of NeXGen Forecourt Controllers in their gas stations which makes it easy to operate a full-serve environment. Allied's controllers allow for customized full-serve receipts, attendant cards, and preset functionality that can be configured on a fueling point-by-fueling point basis. And if pending legislation to allow self-serve at the dispenser moves forward, changes at the site level can be made with the simple "toggling" of a few configuration settings at the point-of-sale. Read the article "Are the Days of Oregon's Self-Service Fueling Ban Numbered?" to learn if the end is near for full-serve in Oregon.

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